Where our minds go matters!
The mind is a powerful thing. The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to ‘take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ’. Life offers multiple challenges daily disguised as opportunities to take our thoughts captive. Our mind can spiral downward or we can turn those thoughts around. The more we mentally practice healthier responses the more we build new neural pathways in the brain called new neural networks via neuroplasticity. This one strategy alone can change our lives dramatically. Where our minds go matters because what we think, we become. Where is your mind living?
Built in dual highways running parallel with our spine protect health when we allow them to synchronize as intended and work for us. The GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION is one of the most critical aspects of health. Our gut is our second brain and what we put in the gut affects the brain. Want to improve brain function? Improve what you allow to go into your gut! Leaky gut & leaky brain are real….food choices matter!
The BRAIN-GUT CONNECTION, via the VAGUS NERVE, communicates with the LIMBIC SYSTEM & HPA AXIS to maintain health in reference to stress responses. Stress is one of the major factors of decreased health / wellness, and increased disease / dis-ease. A limbic system gone awry will send signals up and down the vagus nerve when a threat is not present affecting the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal glands. This Limbic System Impairment is the root of numerous health problems; many have been healed by Annie Hopper’s DNRS neuroplasticity bootcamp program. Getting out of the fight-flight-freeze state and learning to live in the parasympathetic system keeps us in the rest & digest state.
These dual highways are the foundation of ‘rest & digest’ or ‘fight, flight, freeze’ states of living. Chronic stress & continual hijacking of the limbic system sends alarm response signals up and down the vagus nerve affecting the gut-brain, and all organs simultaneously. All intertwined systems can all be brought back into balance by understanding each system, honoring their designs, improving food plans, implementing trauma healing, anxiety reducing strategies like EFT Tapping & breathing exercises, EMDR therapy for PTSD, and many other mind-body healing modalities. These dual highways, when out of balance, cast light on the need for multi-modal approaches and a team of health practitioners. Let’s sojourn together to discover your team of supportive, trusted experts.
*What resources help build mental wellness?
*How meaningful would a faith-based community where you can worship, study, pray, and connect be to your life?
*What forms of worship bring your soul alive?
*What communities are you interested in immersing yourself in?
*What do you love; really love; really, really, really love?
*How does spending time with soulful worship music change your mind, health, day, & life?
*How impactful might worship & community be on your ability to rest and digest?