My recovery journey began nearly 30 years ago; I was crying all the time, falling apart, my life was spinning out of control, and I knew I needed help. I took a step toward counseling even though I had never seen a counselor before. Little did I know it would be the first of many steps toward healing and looking back, now, I’m glad I did. I didn’t know how my life would progress but I did know one thing, I couldn’t continue as I was. I quickly discovered my deep patterns of codependency and the effects of an alcoholic family system. I knew I needed long-term help to deprogram and reprogram my thinking and life. Once I found Al-Anon and God I knew I wanted to continue this healing journey for the rest of my life. I had a burning desire for a new way of life and to break the cycle for a darling baby God had entrusted to me so I dove in with both feet. It has been the hardest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Healing takes commitment and committed I was. Through all the marriage challenges that led to divorces, chronic health challenges, being a single parent to two great kids, it has been one wild ride. There were times I was barely putting one foot in front of the other and other times I was in bed for long periods of time, yet I knew I had to go on. As much as I loved my kids, being a single parent was a rough gig with extra challenges; however, it was important to me to raise my kids with a recovery mindset, vocabulary, way of life, and a love for Jesus. As I look back, I have enormous gratitude for all the invaluable wisdom I’ve gained along the way and I wouldn’t trade that wisdom, born of pain, for anything. I do believe God worked it all out for my good simply because I was willing to be refined; every time life got harder I pressed in harder to understand my ‘opportunities for growth’ and I knew ‘the only way out was through’ the pain so I kept going. I do believe I have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony (Rev. 12:11) and that Jesus has bound up my broken heart, proclaimed liberty for this captive, released the darkness for this prisoner, comforted me, given me joy and a garment of praise, rebuilt the ancient ruins and restored the places long devastated (Isaiah 61). He has renewed my strength, helped me to soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31).
— Dana